Frequently Asked Questions

Account Questions

 Are my personal details safe?
Yes, we are committed to protect your privacy and personal information and your information will be used for fulfilling your orders and our promotion only. Others What should I do if there are missing / damaged items? Please contact us at info@kenyangifts.com

Browsing and choosing your products

What can I buy online?
Check out all of the gifts available for you to buy online at our site.
How do I search for products online?
Products can be found using keywords in the 'Search bar' section, which is at the top of your screen.
Missing Items
To ensure 100% accuracy of your order we scan and record products when picked and again when packed.

General Questions

Is this a genuine KENYAN GIFTS online shop?
Yes! www.kenyangifts.com is completely operated by Kenyan gifts. It is a specific online shop for Kenya, East Africa customers and parts of the world
 Are my personal details safe?
Yes, we are committed to protect your privacy and personal information and your information will be used for fulfilling your orders and our promotion only. Others What should I do if there are missing / damaged items? Please contact us at info@kenyangifts.com
Missing Items
To ensure 100% accuracy of your order we scan and record products when picked and again when packed.
Can I cancel my order?
You have up to 30min from receipt of your order to change your mind and request a refund. You are responsible for the cost of returning any unwanted item(s) and you must return your items within 1 days of confirmed return/cancellation. To cancel an order before you have received it, please contact us. If is has not been packed/dispatched yet, we should be able to cancel it for you. Your statutory rights are not affected.
How can I track the status of my order?
You can track the status of your order by logging in to your account.
How do I contact customer service?
If you have any queries or questions, you can contact the Kenyan gifts customer services team by: Email: info@kenyangifts.com (or use the contact us form) Telephone : KE +254 (0) 104450400 Office hours are Monday to Saturday 7am to 2pm. If you leave a message outside of these hours we will call you back as soon as possible within working hours.
Can I amend my order after I have placed it?
Due to the nature of our packing process, we cannot change orders once they are placed. If you would like to add any more items, or change the delivery address, you will need to cancel the order and start again. To cancel a pending order, please e-mail us and if the order has not yet been packed we can cancel it for you.
How can I get free delivery? 
Delivery is free for any kenya orders over £250. Free delivery is not applicable during our Summer and Winter Sales, regardless of the contents of your order Free delivery excludes local collection


Your order

How do I place an order?
To place an order:
  1. 'Sign In' to your account if you have one
  2. Add the items that you want to buy to the basket
  3. Once you've placed all of the items that you want to buy in your basket, head to the 'Checkout'
  4. You can use the guest checkout if you don't have an account
  5. You'll then be able to finalise your order by entering your payment and delivery details.
Can I cancel my order?
You have up to 30min from receipt of your order to change your mind and request a refund. You are responsible for the cost of returning any unwanted item(s) and you must return your items within 1 days of confirmed return/cancellation. To cancel an order before you have received it, please contact us. If is has not been packed/dispatched yet, we should be able to cancel it for you. Your statutory rights are not affected.
Can I amend my order after I have placed it?
Due to the nature of our packing process, we cannot change orders once they are placed. If you would like to add any more items, or change the delivery address, you will need to cancel the order and start again. To cancel a pending order, please e-mail us and if the order has not yet been packed we can cancel it for you.

Your shopping basket

How do I make changes to items in ‘My Shopping Basket’?
You can remove items or change quantities during the ‘checkout’ process. Or you can click on the basket icon on the top right of your screen at any time.
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